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Revista Banipal de literatura árabe moderna, established in March 2020 by the internationally renowned Banipal magazine, is proud to announce the launch, with Banipal’s digital partner Exact Editions, of a digital archive and digital subscription for individual subscribers, and for institutions, libraries and arts organisations.
There is a full press release on the Exact Editions website, in both English and Spanish
As an independent magazine Revista Banipal is completely free to publish a wide and wonderful range of creative texts by Arab authors – fiction, poetry, memoir and plays, plus essays, profiles, interviews, book reviews and event reports, opening an ever-wider window on the diverse Arab literary scenes.
A digital subscription will be an invaluable and indispensable library resource, particularly in these continuing Covid-19 times. Revista Banipal in digital format will bring these modern Arab voices to Spanish-language readers the world over.
Revista Banipal joins the English edition of Banipal in playing a pivotal role in the essential dialogue between cultures, acting as a catalyst for new knowledge, understanding and empathy between cultures. Revista Banipal shares the same three essential cornerstones as the English Banipal, that is, that Arab literature is an essential part of world culture and human civilization; that dialogue between different cultures needs to be continually deepened; and that the joy and enlightenment to be gained from reading beautiful poetry and imaginative writing is an integral part of human existence.
Revista Banipal recognizes the inspirational power of literary translation to open dialogue and understanding between cultures – the moment a reader starts to read a translation new dialogue begins.
Banipal is named after Ashurbanipal (668–627 BC), Emperor of Assyria, who built the first library in the world – of clay tablets. Revista Banipal is a new kind of library – assembling contemporary literature from the Arab world and its diaspora, written by Arab authors in whatever language they are writing in and published, in print and digitally, in Spanish translation.
Revista Banipal places literary dialogue between the Arab and all other worlds on the highest level, in order to create a global readership and make this Arabic literature accessible to the widest possible audiences.
A digital subscription provides access to all the back issues of Revista Banipal. Exact Editions’ in-depth search technology allows subscribers to get the most out of this digital resource. Subscribers can search for a name or term, particular author or translator and then bookmark the relevant pages. Every single word is covered by the Exact Editions search system.
Revista Banipal Nº1 is available to read as a free trial.
At this link you can read all about it.
Take out a digital subscription today, and go exploring. You will not be disappointed.
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