
Free Digital Access to Banipal

Banipal 50 on an iPad       Digital Banipal on an iPhone

Banipal, with our digital partner Exact Editions,
is offering free access to digital Banipal through a new technological tool for iPad and iPhone called ByPlace. Free access is set up at particular locations and is available within a 150-metre radius for a specified length of time.  

This is a unique opportunity to browse the digital editions of Banipal while you are in Berlin at the International Literature Festival, at the RAWI conference in Minneapolis, or a new student at SOAS in London


Berlln International Literature Festival 2014

At the Berlin International Literature Festival, 10-20 September, in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele (Schaperstraße 24, 10719 Berlin, Germany), there is Free Digital Access to Banipal's digital edition and back issues. See screenshot below of the venue.

The Festival's Literature of the World section includes Iraqi author Fadhil al-Azzawi (18 September at 6.00pm); Syrian author Samar Yazbek (17 Sept at 7.30pm)

RAWI logo

18-20 September sees the 5th National RAWI (Radius of Arab American Writers Inc) Conference at Open Book in Minneapolis (1011 S Washington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA).  Free Digital Access to Banipal is available for all delegates and visitors for the 3 days of the conference. See screenshot below of the venue.


SOAS logo

22-26 September is Freshers' Week at SOAS (SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG). For the SOAS Students' Union Freshers' Week info, click here.  See screenshot below of the venue.

ByPlace logo

How Byplace works:

1  Download the Free Banipal iTunes App from here

2  Go to the ByPlace section of the page.

Enable ByPlace by moving the button to green


You are now connected to Digital Banipal within 150 metres radius of the location address – for the duration of the RAWI conference, ILB and SOAS Freshers’ Week.

See screenshots below of the venues. The shaded area is your free access area:


Screenshot of ByPlace connection for Berlin International Literature Festival

Screen short of ByPlace connection for Open Book – Venue of RAWI conference, Minneapolis 



Screen shot SOAS University of London Freshers' Week

We hope you like the experience of free digital access. Do let us know on
Click here to subscribe to digital Banipal.  If you prefer a traditional print copy, click here for options.

Published Date - 17/09/2014