
The International Prize for Arabic Fiction

The Long List for the 2009-2010 International Prize for Arabic Fiction was released in Cairo on 16 November 2009

To read the full release in Arabic, click here. For press and any other inquiries please email

To download the Long List press release and the list of 16 authors and titles in English translation, click here.
For Press and any other inquiries in English, please email or or telephone 00 447631 2666

The Short List will be announced at the Beirut Book Fair on 15 Decermber.

The announcement of the winner and the Award Ceremony will take place in March 2010 at the beginning of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. More details later.

Banipal will post up all information re the two lists as soon as they are publicly announced, as well as full details of the Award Ceremony.

Published Date - 16/11/2009