Banipal 3 - October 1998


Editorial: Thank You for your Support

Abbas Beydhoun: Selected poems

INTERVIEW with Abdelrahman Munif
compiled by Samuel Shimon
with comment, review and analysis from Peter Theroux, Peter Clark and Faisal Darraj

Anton Shammas: Three poems

Najem Wali
Laila al-Othman
Kareem Abed
Younis al-Akhzami
Samuel Shimon
Mohammed al-Belushi
Hadia Sa’id
Mohammed el-Mezdioui
Ahmed al-Fagih
Mohamed Berrada

INTERVIEW with Costa Gavras
by Samuel Shimon

Qassim Haddad
Dunya Mikhail
Ahmad Fu’ad Nigm
Mohammad Ali Farhat
Nouri al-Jarrah
Amel Moussa
Adel Khozam
Sharif al-Rubai
Khalid al-Maaly
Anwar al-Ghassani
Khaled Mattawa

The Arrival of a Stranger
Jordanian poet Amjad Nasser talks to Banipal
with selected poems translated by Sargon Boulus

Stefan Weidner: Writing the Self
Susannah Tarbush: In the House of Silence Arab Women’s Novels Series
Samir el-Youssef: Studies in Canonical and Popular Arabic Literature
Salah Niazi: Live Theatre & Dramatic Literature in the Medieval Arab World


Sheffield: Third International Colloquium of Literary Translation

Ghazi Algosaibi
Excerpt from the play She and He
Mai Ghoussoub presents Monologues and Sculptures
Jamila is my name and Homage to Josephine (Baker)

Banipal No. 3