Liana Badr is a well-known Palestinian novelist, short story writer and film director. Born in 1950 in Jerusalem, she lived between Jericho and Jerusalem. Exiled from Jericho in 1967, she has lived in Amman, Beirut, Damascus and Tunis, and since 1994 in Ramallah.She studied at the University of Jordan and the Lebanese University, has a BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Beirut Arab University and an MA from Birzeit University in Contemporary Arabic Literature.

   The Eye of the Mirror by Liana Badr, translated by Samira Kawar   A Balcony over the Fakihani   In the House of Silence includes an essay by Liana Badr

In 1979 she published her first novel A Compass for the sunflower (English edition translated by Catherine Cobham, Women’s Press, 1989). A book of novellas, A Balcony over the Fakihani, came out in 1983 with editions published in Damascus, Cairo, Palestine and Jordan. Its English version came out ten years later, translated by Peter Clark and Christopher Tingley. In 1991, her novel The Eye of the Mirror was published (English edition translated by Samira Kawar, Garnet Publishing, Arab Women Writers Series, edited by Fadia Faqir, 2008). Published as supplementary to the series was In the House of SIlence, an anthology of essays by Arab women writers, including by Liana Badr. 

The Arabic cover of The White Tent by Liana BadrIn 1993 her novel Stars Over Jericho, which has French and Italian versions but not yet English, came out, and in 2016 her latest novelThe White Tent (reviewed by Fadia Faqir in Banipal 58, 2017, and available here to read online).

Liana Badr also has four collections of short stories with many individually translated for various international anthologies, three collections of poetry, two non-fiction works on Mahmoud Darwish and on Fadwa Tuqan, plus many essays on aspects of her life and literature for international publications, as well as twelve children’s books. Banipal 62 (Summer 2018) published her essay All I Want to Do is Write, in the regular feature on authors' Literary Influences. Her short story "One Sky", translated by Becki Maddock, was published in Banipal 57 (Spring 2018) and is available to read online here.

Her works have translations into several languages, including English, French Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian and Norwegian.

Between 1999 and 2007 she has also directed seven documentary films, which have received many international awards, and written several film scripts.

is a well-known Palestinian novelist, and short story writer, also a journalist, poet and cinema director. Born in 1950 in Jerusalem, she was raised in Jericho, studied at the University of Jordan, and graduated from the Beirut Arab University with a BA in philosophy and psychology. In 1979 she published her first novel  A compass for the sunflower (English translation Women's Press, 1989). Since then she has published five novels,  including A Balcony over the Fakihani, trans. Peter Clark and The Eye of the Mirror, trans. Samira Kawar, 4 collections of short stories, two poetry collections and four books of essays.

Contributor's Issues

Banipal 57 - Syria in the Heart (Autumn/Winter 2016)

Banipal 74 - Celebrating Khalida Said and Modern Arabic Poetry (Summer 2022)

Banipal 62 - A Literary Journey through Arab Cinema (2018)
