Saturday, 7 October 2017
Waterstones Gower Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 6EQ


6 to 8 October 2017

Banipal magazine and translating Arabic literature

2-3pm, Saturday 7 October 2017
Waterstones Gower Street
(junction of Gower Street & Torrington Place)
82 Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 6EQ

 The Banipal panel at Waterstones Great Magazine Weekend

Margaret Obank, Ghazi  Gheblawi, Jonathan Wright, Dima Wannous and Becki Maddock

Banipal magazine, for 20 years showcasing Arab authors, celebrated the inspirational power of literary translation to open dialogue and understanding with special guests


Dima Wannous


Dima Wannous from Syria: author of the novel The Frightened, excerpted in Banipal 57 – Syria in the Heart. The novel's protagonist fears fear itself, the novel taking on that very question – “the very fear of fear”that “has permeated the souls of most Syrians for many decades”. More about Dima Wannous here and her short story published in Banipal 31 here

Ghazi Gheblawi


Ghazi Gheblawi from Libya: his short story A Rosy Dream was published in Banipal 40 – Libyan Fiction. He is a Libyan author, blogger, activist, and physician. He has published collections of his short stories in Arabic and promoted Libyan authors online on his Imtidad Cultural Podcast. More about Ghazi Gheblawi here


Jonathan Wright


Jonathan Wright, winner of the 2016 Saif Ghobash Banipal Arabic Literary Translation Prize and regular translator for Banipal. His latest literary translations include The Longing of the Dervish by Sudanese author Hamour Ziada, The Televangelist by Ibrahim Essa and Land of No Rain by Amjad Nasser. More about Jonathan Wright here and here


Margaret Obank

Margaret Obank, Banipal co-founder and publisher, with tales from 20 years of publishing the Arab literary scene in translation from its first issue in February 1998. How the translation scene has changed over that time!


Becki Maddock


• Moderated by Becki Maddock, Banipal translator & book reviewer. She translates from Arabic, Persian and Spanish into English, and is presently learning Kurdish.



Book your ticket direct from Waterstones Gower Street.
Only £3.00 (which will also get you a free copy of Banipal magazine) Click here for the webpage


Banipal 1, Feb 1998, Front Cover    Banipal 57 – Syria in the Heart Front Cover    Saif Ghobash Banipal Translation Prize logo   Banipal 40 front cover    Banipal 59 – The Longlist front cover

Celebrating 20 years of publishing

Collage of Banipal issues