Edward Morin is a poet, translator, and song writer who was born and educated in Chicago. He has taught English and writing in different universities in the US and currently lives in Ann Arbor. His poems have been published in Hudson Review, Prairie Schooner, Michigan Quarterly Review and many other magazines.

His co-translations of contemporary Greek, Chinese, and Arabic poems have appeared in Iowa Review, New Letters, TriQuarterly, Banipal: Magazine of Modern Arab Literature, and Two Lines: A Journal of Translation. His recent co-translation of poems by Arab authors Yousef el-Qedra and Diab Rabie have been published in The Dirty Goat, Connotations Press: An Online Artifact, and in the anthology, which he co-edited, Before There Is Nowhere to Stand: Palestine/Israel: Poets Respond to the Struggle (Lost Horse Press, 2012).

Contributor's Issues

Banipal 45 - Writers from Palestine (2012)
